
敲出这个题目微微汗颜呀, 追蔡依林这样的星星似乎已经不是uncle我应该做的事。
她第一张专辑完全都是靡靡之音嘛,只记得一首“我知道你很难过”。后来听过几首周杰伦为她作曲的歌,“骑士精神”,“布拉格广场”,还有她个人著名的“爱情三十六计”“love love love”"看我72变“”爱情36计“等,她就重新回到了我的记忆里。
- - 好痛苦!实为赋新诗强说愁,真不如写我流水周末+ golf来得轻松自在。
总之就是没睡着。我们约好了6点半在公司门口见面,那孙子让我等了近30分钟, 这样也导致了我接下来安排泡汤了一半。
2 birdies for the last 2 holes are only remarkable things for this round.
A senior who played with us introuduced his college roomate  – teaching professional of golf course River Ridge – to me. He claims he is the best intructor of Venturay country.
I am thinking to have a intructor ‘coz I had never ever had one before.Motivated by this idea, I went to the driving range of River Ridge in the afternoon. I want to take a close look how this intructor gives his lessons.
Actually, he doesn’t impress me.
My point is, I do have my understanding about golf swing.  I am afraid that his idea is different from what I have right now. If I take his lessons, I guess I have to change a lot which could be unknown for me, eventually.
Honesty, I am satified with my current swing . I need some adjustment at this time.  I do think my swing is close to Tiger Wood’s, but I don’t want to go other pros’ way.
Generally speaking, Tiger’s swing is good-looking, powerful, but less consistent. Other pros, Luke Donald, Stuart Appleby, Ernie Els, Retie Goosen, are definitely more consistent. I can tell where/which lead the consistency, somehow.
Another thing is, I met a professional today at that driving range. I don’t know which kind of professional he is. But definitly it seems he could be the one of best golfers I saw at local area. I didn’t see how he is his iron shot, but his driver is so consistent. Also the sound the club face makes are so sweet.
I observed his swing a little bit, I notice his hip rotatation is really fast when he is doing his downswing. I estimate his driver carrying distance is about 270+ ‘coz there is 250 flag at his target area.
嗯。接着讲流水帐。 和老板的老板握手言别,假意相约下次再打球。
翻看杂志”men’s health"时,读到Tiger Woods的专访,杂志称那是他首次向公众讲述他的私生活。 其实该专访的主题就讲了,为了更好的隐私(privacy)生活, tiger woods花了$30,000,000在Juipter, FL买了豪寨。
等他们看了电影出来,我已经做了很多事情,比如在coffe shop和一位美女搭讪;坐地靠墙读杂志时小睡一觉 - 没料口水流了出来(基本上.我要是累到睡觉流口水那一定是我真得很累了)所以只能把那本杂志买下来; 吃了冰激凌;还有三次去rest room去折腾我今年第一用了发胶的头发…….
好长的队。见到很多排队等候的美女。不过,似乎台湾mm们发型化妆都很相近,看了10个后感觉都跟看了一个人似的- 总不能我看了10个重影吧-所以俺也就不看了。

About loftyet

Software Developer; Electrical Engineer; Golfer;
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5 Responses to 蔡依林演唱会

  1. Lily says:


  2. Jie says:


  3. Tammie says:


  4. Kelly says:

    我看了周董得演唱会, 比你这个值啊~~~~~~~~~~

  5. Liangjun says:

    to redneuphar,是呀是呀。当Jolin演唱“看我72变”,我还想起去年你们跳舞时的情景,我还记得我也学了2手,所以在现场也有手舞足到。
    to Jayzhang, 是呀。大叔偶尔客串一下20岁以下,惭愧惭愧。
    to Red^3,那里有8你,俺是夸你形象塑造太成功了,扮啥象啥。等着你们台早日推出电视节目呀;建议red^3出任“GOOD MORNING, AMERICA”中文版节目主持。
    to langlang, 要是周董演唱会,我怎么也坐不了记者席了。

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